Oldham Humane Society

What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Phone *

For example, 123-456-7890
SMS/text messaging: By providing your mobile number and checking the box below, Humane Society of Oldham County will be allowed to send you SMS (text) messages relating to their volunteer activities. To opt-out, reply STOP to any SMS message OR return to this form and uncheck the box.
Street Address *
Street Address line 2
City *
State *
Zip Code *
What Volunteer opportunities are you interested in? Check all that apply *

Birthday *

A valid date as MM/DD/YYYY (for example: 11/30/2015)


Who is this registration for?

As a volunteer with The Humane Society of Oldham County (HSOC), I may come in contact with animals with unknown histories. I understand these animals may have undiagnosed diseases, conditions, and behavioral problems unknown to HSOC. I am willing to undertake the risks of working with animals of unknown history or temperament. I do not hold HSOC, its board, or other volunteers responsible for any injuries or illnesses that I may encounter while volunteering. I understand the risks involved and am willing to participate in volunteer activities on behalf of HSOC.